First Things First...

Now that we have a blog, and presumably have interesting things to say, lets share that with some people! How do we do that? First things first…

Let's give people who have found us an opportunity to automatically get our blog content or at least an alert that there is new blog content either in their email or through an RSS feed.

What is an RSS feed? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's a news feed that automatically updates on your RSS Reader. This could be Yahoo, or Bloglovin', or a host of other readers. It's easy to sign up for one, but our job isn't to create the RSS Reader, our job is to feed it!

Blogger makes it very easy to set up a RSS subscription button…

1. Go to the upper right hand corner and find where it says "DESIGN". Click on that. What you see now is the behind the scenes layout of your blog.

2. You want to be in the "LAYOUT" part of the "behind the scenes". If you are, then after the title of your blog, you will see "LAYOUT" in orange. If not, on the left side of the page, you will see a list of things under New Post. You want to click on "LAYOUT". This will put you in the layout of your blog, where you can change where things appear on your blog, add things to your blog, etc.

3. Find "Add a Gadget", which will be highlighted in navy blue. Click on this. What you will see then is a list of all the elements you can easily add to your blog with just the click of your mouse. Since we want to add a RSS feed, find an RSS Feed Subscription link. Click on the + sign to add and it will magically appear in your layout.

4. Like where it is in your layout? You can drag it in other areas of your layout that are part of your template. In this case you can drag it to the right side bar and put it there.

Want to add another way people can subscribe to your content? Add a Subscribe by Email button, just the way we did the RSS feed. In the "Add a Gadget" link in your layout, you will also find an email subscription widget. Yes, these elements are called widgets.

This all sound simple enough? It sure is. You'll see our handy work on the right sidebar of this blog. And this is where we will end for now.

Happy Blogging… Suzanne


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